Hayne Blackberry
Category: Standard Mares

Vital Statistics
- Ref:AP1015
- Gender:Mare
- Colour:Black
- Height:41.75"
- Born:2003
- Sire:Chatsworth Dougal
- PGS:Chatsworth Drogo
- PGD:Wells Erica
- Dam:Hayne Blossom
- MGS:Majority of Crooksbury
- MGD:Tor Bonnie
- Champion Shetland, Nottinghamshire County Show 2013
- Champion Shetland/Exmoor, Ponies UK West Midlands Stallion Show 2013
- Ridden Champion & Reserve Supreme Champion. Shetland Pony Stud Book Society Breed Show 2008
Berry was on the ridden circuit for 6 years. She was backed and produced by Brynony Hodge and was ridden by Neave Stone as a lead rein, her notable wins include being ridden champion & reserve supreme at the Shetland Breed Show.
She was taken on into open classes by Vicky & Abigail Morgan.